Fire / Police / Ambulance:
Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911 In case of an emergency, call 911 and be ready with your address or land location I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Fire/Police/Ambulance: 911 In case of an emergency, call 911 and be ready with your address or land location I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Family School Liaison Worker: 403-664-0230 I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Family Violence Info Line: 310-1818 Talk to trained staff over the phone 24/7 in more than 170 languages. Chat anonymously online with staff from noon to 8:00 p.m I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Conecteen: 403-264-8336 or text 587-333-2724 Conecteen offers phone, chat, email and text services for teens to talk about their issues with other teens in an anonymous and confidential way. Peer support is available from 5-10pm on weekdays and 12-10pm on weekends. I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Community Response to Abuse and Neglect of Elders (CRANE) Works to prevent elder abuse, neglect and self-neglect through EAR – Education, Advocacy and Response. The organization brings almost 30 service providers together to stop elder abuse in Medicine Hat. For more information or to report abuse or neglect of elders, please call CRANE at 403.529.4798…
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-387-5437 If you have reason to believe you or another child is being abused, call 1800-387-5437 to speak with a case worker. Visit more information and signs of abuse/neglect.. I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Care Cabs (Medicine Hat): 403-529-2211 Care Cabs operates from Medicine Hat. They will come all the way out to Oyen and area. Cost for a one-way trip from Oyen-Medicine Hat is approximately $230.00 I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Bullying Helpline: 1-888-456-2323 If you’re a victim of bullying or abuse, call trained staff at any time of day, or chat online from noon to 8 pm. Online chats and calls to the helpline are anonymous. I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Alberta Works: 403-529-3683 Alberta Works helps unemployed people find jobs and Albertans with low incomes cover their basic costs of living. For information and forms for income support, visit: I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services
Addictions Help Line: 1-866-332-2322 The Addiction Helpline is a toll free confidential service which provides alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and problem gambling support, information and referral to services. The Addiction Helpline operates 24 hour a day, seven days a week and is available to all Albertans. I Need HelpHelp a FriendSupport Services